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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

When to Show Bad Customers the Door

Building a successful small business takes ingenuity, perseverance and stamina. But once established, staying at the top of your game requires exceptional customer service. Your clients are your biggest assets and worth the care and effort put into building those relationships. But every once in a while, a bad seed gets into the mix and you find yourself face-to-face with the customer from hell. So, what do you do?
You fire them.
Telltale signs you have a customer worth kicking to the curb:
1.     You lose money investing too much time on their escalating demands
2.     You put aside business obligations while taking care of needs that fall outside of your normal offerings
3.     Their requests violate the values of your company
4.     They are emotionally abusive to you or your staff

Even if the words “the customer is always right” were drilled into your head early on, know that it’s an archaic assumption and, frankly, untrue. Some customers are worth giving up to avoid unnecessary stress, expense or affecting the well-being of a valued employee.

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