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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Millennials: Are We There Yet?

The millennial generation is grown and they’re driving the economy. They may forgive you if you still think of them as kids (the oldest hit their mid-30s this year). But they won’t forgive you (or buy from you) if you give them a line of sales malarkey.
And you want this group to buy what you sell. Millennials make up 25 percent of the population and spend $200 billion annually. But according to a recent study, they won’t be influenced in the traditional ways.
·        Your ads don’t work on them. They don’t trust traditional media and prefer to go to friends, parents and online experts for opinions before they buy.
·        If you’re not social, you don’t exist (62 percent say they’re more likely to become a loyal customer if a brand engages with them on social media).
·        Be a giver. Millennials prefer the socially responsible type (half said they expect companies to give back to society), so if you’re in that camp, you’ve already won.
Millennials want transparency, truthfulness and online engagement. If you’re not there yet, get there fast.

Interested in this topic? Get more info in a recent featured article and a Manta Small Business Expert webinar.

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