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Monday, March 30, 2015

Softer Side of Customer Service

It should come as no surprise that consumers make the bulk of their purchasing decisions based on emotion vs. any kind of rational calculation—and more emotionally engaged customers will probably recommend a company, product or service more often. This doesn't necessarily mean you have to pull at the heart strings through your marketing (although it wouldn't hurt), but rather identify impactful ways to make meaningful connections. And small businesses have the size and agility to do this well.

A good place to start is a thorough review of your customer service—online and offline. By viewing your procedures, processes and general contact from a customer's point of view, you can make simple changes that enable the development of a much stronger bond. Consider every touchpoint as part of their experience, and think about how that experience might be improved.

  • Are you missing opportunities to develop a common bond?
  • Is your staff empowered to provide service on an individual basis?
  • Does your staff use humor, compassion and empathy?
  • Are you really listening and acting on customer feedback—before, during and after a touchpoint? (This includes online and automated interactions.)

Without a significant connection to your business, customers could be easily swayed by any number of marketing maneuvers from competitors, large and small. Take time to look at the human side of service, and unearth opportunities to make the most of customer contact.

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