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Monday, March 16, 2015

Make Work a Work Out

You've heard it. Sitting is the new smoking. Chiropractors tell us 'text neck' is a real thing. Our wrists are adorned with smart technology that buzzes us to get up and move. Well, you can quit smoking, but in today's computer-based work world, how do you quit sitting?

Should you invest in a few treadmill desks for your office? Install stand-up work stations? Start holding walking meetings? It's worth considering say new studies that highlight the growing benefits of working out at work. And as it turns out, activity during the workday enhances mental sharpness and reduces stress.
Small budget? Try these:

·         Hold a weekly walking meeting. Keep it small (two to four people), appoint a leader and use a smartphone to take notes. You might even add an incentive, like coffee at a local coffee shop.
·         Bite the bullet and admit that an office ping-pong table might just be good for the body and productivity.
·         Encourage office group exercise, such as workplace walking groups.

Adding movement into a sedentary day is good for the brain and good for business, and can make a big difference in your team's ability to be productive, creative and innovative.

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